A Maay Traditional Story

Audio file

The Story about the Lion, the Hyena, and the Jackal

The Story about the Lion, the Hyena, and the Jackal

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A hyena, Mr. Lion, and Mrs. Jackal all went hunting together. 

They caught a deer, a sheep, and a dik-dik. 

And they brought them and laid them in front of Mr. Lion. 

Then Mr. lion said, 

           "Mmm, mmm, mmm! Hyena, divide the meat among usǃ"

So then the hyena divided the meat, and he said, 

"Wonh, wonh, wonh! The deer is for me, the sheep is for the lion, and the dik-dik is for the jackal."

Then Mr. Lion slapped the hyena across the face. 

The eyes of the hyena went back into its head! 

Then Mr. Lion said,

"Mmm, mmm, mmm! Mrs. Jackal, divide this meat!"

Then Mrs. Jackal said, 

"Dowiq, dowiq, dowiq! The sheep will be your food for breakfast, the deer will be your lunch, and the dik-dik will be your supper!"

Then Mr. Lion said, 

"Mmm, mmm, mmh, mmh! Who is the one that taught you this good type of meat distribution?"

"Dowiq, dowiq, dowiq!

The slap that the hyena received was the thing that taught me," said Mrs. Jackal.

So it is just as the Maay Maay proverb says,

"If a hyena sees meat, he doesn't even see the porridge" 

That's how this story ends likewise, Dowiq, dowiq, dowiq!

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