Brothers and Sisters, welcome!

Brothers and sisters, welcome! On this site you can find something about the gospel message in video or audio only format in the Bible:  the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels, as have been translated into the Maay language. 

You can also download these materials onto your phone or your computer.

The Holy Books of God have been written in order to lead us and guide us to the straight path of God!

Living Waters

We are just people like you who believe in One God and want just as you do to reach heaven! 

We don't make money off of this website, but we follow God alone. God wants us to inform you and for us to see together something about God's mercy and love.

Dear Maay friends, you can follow us through the links below: connect with us through the email written below.



You can also contact us directly at:

Email: [email protected]

Welcome, and we thank you very much!


On the last day of the feast, the most important day, Jesus stood up and in a loud voice said,

«People, anyone who is thirsty come to me to satisfy his thirst, truly, anyone who believes in me, let him come and I will give him water, as it is written in the Scripture,

‹The one who believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out from his heart!›»


(John 7:37-38 English translation of Maay Bible (c), all rights reserved.


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